Friday, June 4, 2010

A Clear Channel - Day 112

New York in the summer. I'd almost forgotten what it was like. Despite the fact that my trip is not the trip I envisioned when I purchased the tickets, many unexpected blessings are being revealed. I have a new found loving relationship with my Mom and find myself rather projective toward her. I have fallen in love with someone who has loved me unconditionally for 32 years. I went to church and got my praise on this evening and sat on the steps with a bunch of folks in front of a Brooklyn brownstone til 1 in the morning. Just like back in the day. I have an audition for Paul Mooney on Sunday and an appt. with my New York agents on Tuesday. It's so nice to be in a place where nobody cares what you do. People just care about you and genuinely want to know who you are. Everywhere I go feels like a family reunion. Even the sistas with locs have styles I've never seen before. So guess who's going to see a loctician this week?

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