Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Clear Channel - Day 64

I've been doing so well with my walking, I didn't realized I had already walked 3 out of my 5 days this week. So I can take tomorrow off! I'm planning on walking with a buddy on Friday and the walking group on Saturday. I have two workouts planned next week with other like-minded evening people. That early morning thing just does not work for me and I'm not going to fight it. The days are longer and the weather is beautiful. By the time fall and winter rolls around it will be just a regular part of my day. My legs feel strong, my knees are doing fine, but I don't want to push it. I am a little tired and aching. Oooo, a nice long bath would feel so good right about now. I have a feeling I will fall asleep before I even run the water.
Went to my financial class tonight. It was all about extra income, part time jobs, home based businesses etc. That is the main thing that I realized from taking these classes. I need to find some additional ways to make money so that "in-between" the TV & film jobs, I'm still able to comfortably pay my bills and save. Working at Starbucks or Dominoes Pizza is not an option. I must be brave and start to implement these fabulous ideas I have in my head. Implement and follow through. I can't do them all at the same time, so I'm gonna pick one and go for it! It's time to create my own empire. My legacy.

1 comment:

  1. Honey, you're my first. That's right...the first time i've ever visited a blog! Very exciting. And I just saw you on old episode. If you wanna catch up with me, go visit:
    Miss you...wish you lived closer...lin
