Friday, August 27, 2010

A Clear Channel - Day 176

Living my life like it's golden. Auditioned for the role of a doctor today. I actually felt like I could get this one. Usually I'm the nurse and until now that felt right. There's been a shift in my perception and I feel like I'm moving on up! Of course I will book it because the shoot dates conflict with my trip to New York. We'll see what happens.
Drove down to Long Beach for a chakra healing. That was interesting. Discovered that I could use some work on my connection with God. I know I often forget to pray although I meditate but inconsistently. I do feel a little lost without a church home and I'm unsettled about what to do with my tithes in the interim. I'll work on that. Thank God I have a praying man in my life. Without getting on my case, he reminds me to pray. He leads by example and for that I am grateful.
After my chakra healing, I met with my friends Jack and Eric and we had cuban food, then went to Hot Java for coffee and dessert. It was fun to hang out there and not have to do a show. A lot of the locals know me from hosting Laugh-A-Latte and it was nice to be able to sit, chat and get to know them for a change.
Maybe I'll meditate before I go to bed. Tomorrow I'll let you know if I did.

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